
Markt 1b, 7091 CJ Dinxperlo | Tel: +31 315 656 245 | Show map

Nowhere is the extraordinary border experience stronger than in Dinxperlo (NL) and Suderwick (DE).

The ancient national border runs along the kerb right through these villages. The border has strongly influenced life here. Border markers were only set out in 1766. From 1816 to 1993, customs controlled the import and export of goods. The smuggling trade flourished here. Housed in a stunning 18th-century building, the museum shows the unique character of life on the border.

Experience the creation of the national border, the work of customs, the impact of the world wars, the smuggling trade and the current cooperation between the villages. The collection consists of authentic material: documents, photographs, films, uniforms, customs items, smuggled goods, confiscated goods and weapons, smuggling tricks and many stories. The Grensland Museum (Border Museum) also organises themed exhibitions and guided tours.

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